Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a great time at the cabin for Memorial Day!
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More Photos!

My favorite was hanging out on the driveway and in the woods with the kiddoes. Eric's favorite was THE WATER PARK!! What were your favorites?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why aren't YOU a follower of this blog??!
fix it.
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Mother's Day and Other's Day

Hey. So we're getting together on Mother's Day at Evermoor at 5:00.

Rebecca and Becky request shish-kebabs. Heavily Laden with vegetables, if you please.

We also really like hummus. All of us do.

Boys, please discuss amongst yourselves how you will bless the lovely women of your life on Mother's Day.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Go Team Eichenjogger!

YEAH! We ran our 5K race today as Team Eichenjogger.

Brian finished in 24 minutes (whoa! does that make him the rabbit or the turtle?), Bee set a PR with 26 minutes, Rebecca and CJ were set for a 30 minute tie until Rebecca sprouted wheels and kicked it into high gear for a fantastic finish. But the most impressive accomplishment of the day was Colleen who finished her first 5K in under 40 minutes! She was awesome!!

Eric, Annika, and Marisa all ran a youth race. Marisa ran a 1/2 mile-!!- and the little ones ran a 1/4 mile. Annika announced herself the winner and will not be convinced otherwise. She is unconcerned about Eric's reminders that HE actually finished BEFORE her. She is the winner.

Wayne was the champion of the day, earning the title "Key Grip" because of his unsung services. He kept the kids corralled during the 5K, he was the team photographer (and consequently is in no photos), and he cheered us all on.